Tuesday, November 6, 2012


While your guests are waiting for you to open your presents and the food to be served have them play the games below and it’s guaranteed that your baby shower will be memorable and fun. 
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      1.      Hanging Baby Clothes
Make a line between two chairs and have your guest hang baby clothes.  Time them and then whoever does it the fastest wins.
2.      Secret Word Game
Give all guests a diaper pin.  They are to pin on their clothes. When someone catches a guest saying "baby,” she takes the pin to add to her collection. Whoever has the most pins at the end of the shower wins a prize.
3.      Guess the Baby Picture
Ask guests beforehand to supply a baby picture.  Make a board with everyone’s picture and have people guess which picture belongs to who.  Make it fun by adding a picture of the baby’s dad to confuse them.
4.      Baby shower Charade
Separate your guest into two groups.  Have a list of celebrity moms to have each teams try to guess who their celebrity is.  Add a list of words they can’t use.
5.      Chug the Bottle
Fill baby bottles with milk or juice and have guests race to see who can chug fastest.  If you have male guests at your baby shower then make this game for males only.   The women can have a laugh at their expense.
Remember to entice your guests to participate with great prizes for each game.  Candles, picture frames, gift cards, etc. are example of prizes that your guest would enjoy.

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