Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Three Reason to Chose Cloth Diapers!

Before disposable diapers were invented cloth diapering was the norm and now they are becoming popular again with more people going green.  The cloth diapers from your grandparent’s generation have come a long way from the old cloth and pins.  There are now a lot of choices that will suit you and your baby.   The thought of using and choosing the right cloth diapering can be confusing and overwhelming.  I suggest starting with a pre-fold cloth diaper. Don’t let worrying about the diaper leaks, mess or cost prevent you from using cloth diapers.   See the list below with reasons why you should consider using cloth diapers.
1.       SAVINGS
You will pay a little more up front for cloth diapers but if you do the math on how much you will spend for disposable diapers you will save in the end.  Not everyone wants a large family, but if you plan on having more than one child, you can recycle your cloth diapers.  With most cloth diapers you will be able to diaper your child from birth to potty training for only a couple of hundred dollars.   So if you do the math on using a cloth diaper from birth to potty training for 3 kids you’re saving will be in the thousands.  When you finish you can always sell them on a diaper swapped website and make back some of your money.
Cloth diapers are very eco-friendly and reduce the amount of waste that would go into our landfills.  On average, a baby goes through about 5,000-7,000 disposable diaper before they are potty trained then multiply by the millions of children being born every year and we have a real problem.
Disposable diapers are made with large amount damaging chemicals and could be unhealthy.  Using cloth diapers will reduce diaper rash, irritated bottoms and other common complaints that disposable diaper users have.   Children who wear cloth diapers are more likely to start using the potty earlier. 


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