Monday, February 11, 2013

Hospital Bag Checklist

You’ve been waiting for months for the big day and you are now on your way to the hospital but omg you forgot to pack your bah…don’t let this happen to you. When packing your bag you need to remember that you can’t pack everything.  Here are some of the important things you’ll need to prevent your husband from running back and forth to get things that you forgot to pack.  I recommend packing your bags around your 34th week. It’s highly possible that since you may go into labor anytime after that.  The typical length of stay for a natural birth is usually 2 days but cesarean deliveries can keep you in the hospital for up to 4 days.


·         Bring your insurance card, pre-registration form and a picture ID.

·         Most hospitals provide the essential toiletries but you might want to bring your own. Pack toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, chap stick/lip balm, shampoo/conditioner and body lotion. I would suggest travel sizes in these items so your bag won’t be bulky and heavy.

·         If you plan on breastfeeding bring nipple cream, nursing bra and breast pads because your breast will be tender, chapped and swollen so this will help you ease the pain.

·         Bathrobe, night gown, slippers, under wear and socks so you can be comfortable after your delivery.

·         You and your baby will need an outfit to go home in. For baby make sure clothes are soft and include a bootie and a cap.  Unfortunately your belly will remain very swollen after deliver so bring your maternityclothes to wear home along with comfortable shoes.

·         Don’t bring a wallet but you will need a small amount of cash for the vending machine.  Your cell phone, charger and a book/kindle.

·         Bring your glasses and contacts, along with case and solution. It might be frustrating to wear glasses during labor so you want to keep you option open.

·         Hospital food is not the best so I would suggest bringing some of your favorite snacks with you.

·         The sanitary napkins the hospital gives you are like diapers so bring you own.

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